
Alexis Pinturault

Ski Artistry

Alexis Pinturault probably skied before he could walk. For the undisputed French champion from the Savoie region, negotiating the slopes is pure instinct. At 1.80 metres and 80 kilograms he undeniably cuts an imposing figure on the piste. That’s not the only reason they call him - ‘The Beast’. It’s also because of his regimented lifestyle, cast-iron mentality and quasi-military rigour. 3 Olympic Gold medals, the French record holder, slalom to downhill, giant, combined and super G, the French skiing star hasn’t stopped moving mountains.


Alexis joined the Richard Mille family in 2014. With its three-tone dial and pastel blue strap, the RM 67-02 is a watch created in his image—handsome, simple and efficient. It is perfectly adapted for skiing both in extreme temperatures and at high altitude, whilst maintaining perfect ergonomics, light weight and durability. No wonder Alexis wears it every day. When competing, he slips it under his ski suit but just for the race’s duration.


‘I’m not a methodical skier, I’m much more instinctive.
I don’t think about how I have to do this or that, I just do it. I trust my own perception of my ability and everything just happens totally naturally.’

Alexis Pinturault

His competition record is the stuff of dreams: three Olympic medals, two junior world titles (giant slalom), 21 World Cup triumphs and two Crystal Globes in Combined.
By the age of 27 he had already outskied Jean-Claude Killy, the erstwhile hero of French skiing, overtaking his already impressive number of World Cup victories. All in all, Alexis has climbed onto a World Cup podium no less than 52 times.


He was the fourth alpine skier in France to win three Olympic medals and the only Frenchman to have won the Combined World Cup in 2016 and 2017.
In 2018, he got the silver medal in the combined event at the PyeongChang Olympic Games followed by the bronze medal in the giant slalom. Topping this off, he secured his first World Champion title in combined in February 2019 and won the final giant slalom too.


‘A good time depends on so many factors. This might seem a bit contradictory, but if I finish in sixth place, that is a bad race for me, despite the fact that I might only be 20 hundredths of a second behind the winner, which isn’t very much at all, but at the same time, it’s everything !'

Alexis Pinturault
